Looking for an alternative to Ethnic Studies? Check out FAIR’s American Experience Curriculum
FAIR protects and defends the civil rights and liberties of all individuals – without exception.
FAIR protects and defends the civil rights and liberties of all individuals – without exception.
Institutional intolerance and the failure to encourage civil discourse chill free expression and repress viewpoint diversity.
The deterioration of critical thinking skills leads to inadequate investigation of popular messaging and narratives, resulting in poor decision-making.
Institutions are abdicating their responsibilities in favor of politicized activism disguised as progress.
People who stand on the side of common sense and who express widely-supported views often face threats to their well-being and livelihood.
Institutional intolerance and the failure to encourage civil discourse chill free expression and repress viewpoint diversity.
The deterioration of critical thinking skills leads to inadequate investigation of popular messaging and narratives, resulting in poor decision-making.
Institutions are abdicating their responsibilities in favor of politicized activism disguised as progress.
People who stand on the side of common sense and who express widely-supported views often face threats to their well-being and livelihood.
The FAIR Legal Department funds and publicizes precedent-setting lawsuits in support of individuals deprived of civil liberties, assists schools and employers in proactively implementing changes to discriminatory policies and practices, and equips FAIR members as they challenge intolerance and discrimination.
The FAIR Legal Department funds and publicizes precedent-setting lawsuits in support of individuals deprived of civil liberties, assists schools and employers in proactively implementing changes to discriminatory policies and practices, and equips FAIR members as they challenge intolerance and discrimination.
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FAIR is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to advancing civil rights and liberties for all, and promoting a common culture based on fairness, understanding, and humanity.
© Copyright 2025 Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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