Looking for an alternative to Ethnic Studies? Check out FAIR’s American Experience Curriculum

Welcome Sessions

Get to know more about FAIR straight from our staff!

Join one of our FAIR Welcome Sessions, and learn more about us! You’ll be in a meeting with like-minded people and FAIR staff. Come, listen to us introduce ourselves, ask your questions, and tell your story.

After registering, you will receive an email confirmation containing the Zoom information. Once you receive that email confirmation, it is recommended that you click the “add to calendar” option so that you have a reminder set for the meeting you selected when it occurs (reminder emails won’t be sent out automatically from us for these sessions, because of certain technical reasons). If you ever need to reschedule, feel free to come back to this part of the site and re-click the link below to sign up for another session time. 

Occasionally, we may need to reschedule one of our meetings. You will receive a separate email if your selected meeting is rescheduled, with an option to find another time for another meeting within that email.

Note: The default language of the Zoom Registration page indicates that it is a right of an organization to use attendee information procured from sign-ups for any organizational purposes. However, we want to clarify that FAIR maintains strict confidentiality of contact information provided by our event registrants. We will never share, sell, or otherwise distribute your personal information. Additionally, in registering for this event, your contact information cannot be seen or accessed by other event registrants.