Looking for an alternative to Ethnic Studies? Check out FAIR’s American Experience Curriculum


Fairness, Understanding & Humanity
in the field of K-12 and higher education

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Supporting education that advances fairness, understanding, and humanity

FAIR’s educational services and resources help schools create positive learning communities and encourage a sense of belonging by emphasizing the values of fairness, understanding, and humanity.

We inspire and empower students, teachers, administrators, board members, and families to work together toward a more optimistic future.

Donate to FAIR's Library Neutrality Fund

Libraries throughout the US and Canada have been abdicating their responsibilities to uphold viewpoint neutrality and curate collections that reflect diversity of thought.  Sometimes libraries have even terminated staff members and leaders simply for advocating for viewpoint diversity. 

Help FAIR stand for library neutrality by donating to our Library Neutrality Fund.

Featured Resource

Throughout history, thinkers from ancient Greece to China have practiced the art of contemplating different perspectives, in order to gain a more comprehensive view. Meanwhile, in America today, we can hardly engage with different perspectives, let alone integrate them. Our viewpoint diversity has become a weakness, rather than a strength.

In this spirit, Faces of X is a series of short videos that integrate different perspectives on divisive social issues — like capitalism, gender, and race.

First, each video steel-mans different perspectives on the issue. (Steel-manning articulates the strongest version of a perspective, as opposed to straw-manning which articulates the weakest.) Then — in the triad of thesis, anti-thesis, and synthesis — each video attempts to integrate the steel-man perspectives into a synthesis view. A synthesis then becomes a new thesis in our evolving understanding of reality.

Curricular Resources

Ethnic Studies Analysis Guide
Many schools in many states are implementing Ethnic Studies requirements for graduation. This guide provides an analysis of what ethnic studies is, whether it achieves its purported goals, and what current research says about it.
Teaching About Identity Series
FAIR’s Teaching About Identity: Lessons From Around the World series is an exploration of the question: What can we learn from history about how school environments have impacted racially, ethnically, or politically divided societies? Using as case studies 1930s Germany, 1960s China, and 1980s-90s Rwanda, the series does a deep dive into education in times and places where identity has been a divisive factor, and provides information to help the reader draw insights for building unity in classrooms today.
Literature Guides
FAIR Literature Guides emphasize pro-human values and support literacy development. Designed for use with elementary-age students, each guide stars a high-quality picture book with discussion questions and activities aligned with FAIR Learning Standards. Students will engage with rich texts and illustrations to explore values of fairness, understanding, and humanity.
K-12 Pro-Human Learning Standards
The FAIR Learning Standards provide essential guidance for teaching and learning about the histories, experiences, and contributions of people of different cultural and ancestral backgrounds in the U.S.
Lessons, Videos, and Content
For middle and high school students, FAIR’s lessons, units, and videos can stand alone or align with pre-existing units in civics, social studies, and history.
Faces of X Series
Faces of X is a series of short videos that integrate different perspectives on divisive social issues — like capitalism, gender, and race. It steel-mans different perspectives on an issue, and then synthesizes the best parts of each perspective into a synthesized view, promoting understanding and viewpoint diversity.

Education Networks

FAIR in Libraries
FAIR in Libraries is a nonpartisan professional network dedicated to advancing a culture of fairness, understanding, and humanity in libraries. We believe libraries have a unique mandate to represent a diversity of perspectives in their collections, programs, and daily operations.

FAIR in Libraries’ mission is to influence library workers, associations, boards of directors and funders to prioritize institutional and professional neutrality, viewpoint diversity, intellectual freedom and free speech. To achieve this, FAIR in Libraries will empower citizens with the tools and support needed to ensure their libraries remain neutral and offer multiple viewpoints. If you'd like to sign up or if you have questions, please reach out to us at [email protected].
Educators Alliance
We bring together educators from K-12 to share experiences and concerns and to develop strategies for supporting teachers, community members, and chapters. We welcome educators and staff from all levels for informal discussions with periodic presentations and workshops. (For Canadian educators, contact [email protected]).
Higher Education Working Group
We bring together higher education faculty to work on developing resources and projects to advance FAIR’s mission and support students and faculty in colleges and universities. We welcome part-time and full-time faculty from all disciplines.
FAIR in Education Fellowship
The Educational Fellowship consists of a cohort of educators who serve in a volunteer capacity for a two-year period to help shape, promote, and lead our programs and networks. Currently, our fellows are leading a national book club that meets monthly to discuss books that challenge and deepen our sense of fairness, understanding and humanity, while enriching our sense of what it means to be pro-human.
Summer Internship
We host a full-time summer internship program for undergraduate students and recent graduates who show a passion for promoting FAIR’s pro-human values, including curiosity, compassion, and courage, and have excellent communication and leadership skills.
FAIR on Campus
FAIR on Campus gives students an opportunity to bring pro-human values to their college and university settings. Students can make a positive impact on their communities through clubs, speaker series, and other initiatives that promote open-mindedness, inclusive dialogue, and building bridges across differences.


Education Toolkit
Our educational resources, including model letters and policy statements, can help parents introduce and advocate for FAIR’s pro-human approach in their local schools.

Parents are also encouraged to join their local chapter networks as they work toward positive change in schools.
Parent Education Workshops
Our parent education workshops provide an overview of the current K-12 educational landscape, summarize key issues interfering with students’ civil rights, and train parents and guardians in effective, pro-human advocacy.
Legal Letters and Comments
Letters and comments made by FAIR advance civil rights and liberties, and promote a common culture based on fairness, understanding and humanity.
Publications and Media
Our selected publications and media will give you an overview and the latest news for developments in schools.

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