Looking for an alternative to Ethnic Studies? Check out FAIR’s American Experience Curriculum
FAIR advances Martin Luther King Jr’s guiding principle that we should be judged by the content of our character, not the color of our skin.
FAIR defends the rights and equality guaranteed to all human beings, without exception.
FAIR advocates for individuals who are threatened or persecuted for protected speech, held to a different standard of conduct, or denied rights or access based on their perceived identity group or perspective.
FAIR supports respectful disagreement. We believe that bad ideas are best confronted with good ideas — never with censorship, dehumanization, deplatforming, or blacklisting.
FAIR believes that objective truth exists, that it is discoverable, and that scientific research must be open, honest, and untainted by any political or social agenda.
FAIR is pro-human: we are committed to promoting compassionate opposition to intolerance and racism that is rooted in dignity for all human beings and respect for our common humanity.
We build community through our grassroots Chapter Network; programs in the Arts, Medicine, and Education; our Legal Network; and FAIR events.
We inform the public though our videos, events, and social media presence.
We change policy through our legal advocacy, legal letters, and public mobilization efforts.
We build community through our grassroots Chapter Network; programs in the Arts, Medicine, and Education; our Legal Network; and FAIR events.
We inform the public though our videos, events, and social media presence.
We change policy through our legal advocacy, legal letters, and public mobilization efforts.
We seek to treat everyone equally without regard to skin color or other immutable characteristics. We believe in applying the same rules to everyone, and reject disparagement of individuals based on the circumstances of their birth.
We are open-minded. We seek to understand opinions or behavior that we do not necessarily agree with. We pursue the objective truth through honest inquiry. We are tolerant and consider points of view that are in conflict with our convictions.
We recognize that every person has a unique identity, that our shared humanity is precious, and that it is up to all of us to defend and protect the civic culture that unites us.
Based on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s
Principles of Nonviolence
Telling the truth is a way of life for courageous people. Peaceful change cannot happen without a commitment to the truth.
We seek to win friendship and gain understanding. The result of our movement is redemption and reconciliation.
We recognize that those who are intolerant and seek to oppress others are also human, and are not evil people. We seek to defeat evil, not people.
Suffering can educate and transform. We will not retaliate when attacked, physically or otherwise. We will meet hate and anger with compassion and kindness.
We seek to resolve conflict through dialogue, not violence. We believe in the power of love.
We trust that the universe is on the side of justice. The pro-human approach is based on deep faith that justice will eventually win.
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FAIR is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to advancing civil rights and liberties for all, and promoting a common culture based on fairness, understanding, and humanity.
© Copyright 2025 Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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