Nicole “Dr. Nikki” M. Johnson, MD DNBPAS, lives in Northeast Ohio with her husband and two daughters. She has a B.S. in Biology from Case Western Reserve University and a medical degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. Nikki earned certification in both General Pediatrics and Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. Prior to leaving clinical practice in 2022, her clinical expertise in pediatric procedural sedation helped earn her division national recognition as a center of excellence in the field.
Nikki is passionate about reforming healthcare and has a record of advocacy and service in her mission to see medicine restored to a focus on the individual doctor-patient relationship where physicians are bound by the Hippocratic Oath, and patients have affordable evidence-based care, choice, and transparency. You can learn more about Nikki by visiting her website and engaging with her on Twitter/X and Substack.
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