Looking for an alternative to Ethnic Studies? Check out FAIR’s American Experience Curriculum

Michelle Pollino

Michelle Pollino

Reporter, Writer, Filmmaker

  • FAIR in the Arts Fellow

Michelle’s career has explored the complicated nature of what it means to be human, through her work as a reporter, writer and filmmaker. Michelle believes in the power of art as connection, a reflection of the internal human struggle between the emotional and the intellectual. We are living through a time of great change, and as our interconnected world continues to explode, the arts and creative expression and exploration are a fundamental and necessary way to reflect both the darkness and the light offer time. Finding the courage to engage in discourse that allows for connection that is both compassionate and curious is the way we move forward.  

She is working on her first book, a literary memoir titled, the Fracturing Is Necessary which explores the current cultural and political divide in the United States through her own journey from Philadelphia to the biggest and most polarizing newsrooms in the country. She is currently producing the limited series based on the Old Testament, MIRIAM tells the story of the women of the Exodus through the unheralded sister of Moses.

Throughout his professional career, in the hospitality industry and as a capital construction consultant he has witnessed the perils of focusing on our differences rather than embracing what unites us.

Love currently serves as the Executive Director of Seeking Educational Excellence (SEE), a non-profit whose mission is to empower disadvantaged students to reach their full potential. Love was recently elected to Manhattan’s largest Community Education Council where he advocates for color blind public school policies and curriculum.