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Playwrights Think Tank

The Plays You Want to Write, Unfettered and Uncensored

As a creative development lab, the FAIR Playwrights Think Tank is a place where ideas, partial works, and completed works are discussed in conjunction with elevating the playwright in both a private and public position that is highly respected as intelligent and significant.

The playwrights who are members of this group are thoughtful of and deeply aware of the nature of life and the meaning of the human condition.  We are not only creators of theatrical works for performance, but we are also involved in public roles in which we are able to bring clarity and neutrality into areas of outreach, education, publication, and engagement.

Read more about us below, and to join or for any other inquiries, please email [email protected]

What We Do

Under the umbrella of the FAIR Playwrights Think Tank, members are thought-partners who are willing and eager to participate with others in a way that enables the individual writer to follow his or her unique processes and goals. Our aim is to help hone thinking in order to enable the coalescing of ideas into performable, producible, and publishable works for the theater. Our intent is to elevate the playwright to a position of significance, prominence, and acumen.

In the Short Term

Playwrights Think Tank offers a machine shop in which writers can use existing tools and build new ones by which we can shape ideas into works for the theater.

In the Long Term

Playwrights Think Tank aims to spearhead events, debates, publications, studies, and performances that are sobering and earnest; works that make a difference by illuminating the humanness in humanity.

How We Do It

The playwrights in FAIR Playwrights Think Tank are jointly interested in:

Raising our role and profile as thought leaders by way of our focused work in understanding the human condition.

We are adept at investigating, exploring, and researching the philosophical, psychological, and sociological nature of “things” as they were, are, and might be.

As writers, we are interested in elevating the role of playwrights as thinkers who are keenly aware of the individual as primary and purposeful in the world narrative. This reflects the playwright’s focus on the tenet that character is the key component in a theatrical story.

As such, the writers in Playwrights Think Tank are honest, truthful and loyal to individual character as the starting point of story. We have a clear and wholistic understanding of numerous subjects that might include history, mythology, theology, science, and literature. It is through a pure and unfettered inquiry into the meaning of what it is to be human that we have a unique and broad understanding of all matters of study through which the individual is involved in living.

In this way, we contend that playwrights bring to life and express through the work of writing plays that which is “us,” (the predicament, the beauty, the agony, the absurdity) of the human condition, whether comedic or tragic.

Raising our personal awareness of our own writing in four areas:

  • The creation and ideation of a work
  • The development and writing of a work
  • The rewriting of a work
  • The staging, production, and performance of a work.

In summary:

As playwrights, we seek to explore our work through discussion and thought to enable a deep look into structure, theatricality, character, theme, and story/plot. To do this, we approach our work as professionals, and we are able to distance ourselves personally from our creation, as well as objectively view others’ works in a professional manner and not in a way that promotes personal and subjective preferences, attitudes, and ideology. As a group, we are able to discuss our and others' works without the influence of social/political/theological trends, group-think, and personal bias.

Give to FAIR in the Arts

Your support is crucial in helping FAIR continue our work supporting artists in 2025.

With the launch of the FAIR Forward campaign, FAIR in the Arts is raising the funds necessary to achieve our strategic goals this year, including:

1: Expanding the FAIR Artist Grant program to aspirationally deliver $50,000 in awards in 2025. (Artist Grant Fund)

2: Producing regular in-person events - film screenings, exhibits, live performances, and more - in addition to our virtual Community Meetups. (Events Fund)

3: Developing targeted resources, content, and infrastructure for mission-aligned artists and organizations. (Operations Fund)

Thank you for taking an opportunity to contribute to FAIR's initiatives in the arts and culture.

Your tax-deductible donation will be used to support FAIR’s mission of advancing civil rights and liberties for all, and promoting a common culture based on fairness, understanding, and humanity.

Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.