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FAIR Artist Grant

**Applications are closed.**

FAIR in the Arts is grateful to support our community of artists who carry out work that aligns with, advances, and supports FAIR’s pro-human mission.

We are pleased to introduce the FAIR Artist Grant, an opportunity available to artists seeking support for their mission-aligned efforts and initiatives. 

Funding Priorities

Artist Grants of up to $1,000 are available to support arts activities that accomplish at least one of the following goals:

  • Champions values of free expression, open-mindedness, creative excellence, and/or viewpoint diversity.
  • Advances relevant artistic field towards a culture that emphasizes fairness, understanding, and humanity.
  • Supports artist(s) who are facing hardships due to intolerance or ideological bias in their fields, and who are pursuing the right to create freely.
  • Other FAIR-aligned mission or purpose.

Eligible arts activities include, but are not limited to: an event showcasing a work of theater, drama, dance, music, or visual arts; composition of a new work of writing, music, or visual art for public consumption or development.

Priority will be given to applicants who are members of FAIR in the Arts. (Not a member? Join here.)

FAIR is unable to approve proposals to fund: overhead expenses; full economic costs; work hours or salary unless explicitly used for the grant activity.

Reporting Expectations

Within 90 days of the completion of their grant-funded activity, each grantee is responsible for providing FAIR in the Arts:

  • A brief narrative summary of their completed project. This summary should explain how the grant accomplished one of the goals listed above.
  • For any events or productions, the date of the completed event and the total number of attendees.
  • Invoices for any expenses paid in part or in full using funds from the Artist Grant.
  • Grantees should maintain regular communication with FAIR in the Arts regarding the progress of their activity.

Funding Process

  • If approved, funding will be disbursed directly to the grantee.
  • If approved, the following is required before funds can be disbursed: 
    • A completed Grantee Payment Form.
    • A signed grant agreement (FAIR will provide). 
    • A completed W-9 (for members in the US) or W-8 (for members outside of the US). 
  • All grant-funded activities must be completed prior to June 30, 2024.

Donate to the Fund

Would you like to support this important initiative with a financial donation? Please contact [email protected] to ensure that your donation is directed accordingly. 


Please direct any additional questions to [email protected]