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The United States Department of Health and Human Services issued a document last week entitled “Gender-Affirming Care and Young People” containing many errors and omissions, a deficient advisory document, according to the Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine.  

For example, it omits any discussion of risks: “The HHS document only describes the potential benefits of “gender affirming” care, with no mention of potential or known harms.  Besides the risks to bone, cardiovascular health, and the risk of regret, the document conspicuously ignores risks to reproductive health…When puberty blockers are administered in early puberty and followed by cross-sex hormones, sterility is expected…There are serious ethical questions about whether adolescents can be considered competent to waive their future reproductive rights at an age when they are unlikely to be able to appreciate or predict the importance of fertility to their adult selves.”  Click/tap:

Read these stories of regret:  The Testosterone Hangover   and  Adult regrets gender transition