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Contact Your TN Lawmakers About Divisive Counselor Training

Counseling and psychology accreditation is forcing therapists to adopt practices that go against time tested insights and even their own religious beliefs. This has created hostile environments in counselor training programs here in Tennessee and across the country. This affects therapy for clients as well. Therapists trained to focus on group identity as part of the treatment plan are now mandated in the Department of Defense, the Army and Veterans Affairs. You can read the details at Suzannah’s website Diogenes In Exile

Addressing this is our major initiative for 2025. Contact your lawmakers and demand they put a stop to this. Click the link below and scroll to bottom of the post for a letter you can personalize, and enough evidence you can cut and paste to convince any elected official.

Help Washington State, Sign An Open Letter to Protect Female Inmates

What happens in Washington doesn’t stay in Washington—it sets a precedent that can reach Tennessee. A male inmate convicted of murdering his parents is trying to transfer back to a women’s prison, despite being removed for misconduct. Sign the open letter below to help stop this dangerous transfer and protect incarcerated women everywhere.

Be Part of the Solution: Your support makes FAIR’s advocacy for free speech, objective truth, and treating people as individuals not avatars of identity groups possible. Donate today!

Banner image of the Great Smokey Mountains courtesy of Wilfred Hdez licenced under the creative commons.