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Tennessee Chapter

The Tennessee Chapter of FAIR is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to advancing civil rights and liberties for all Americans, and promoting a culture grounded in humanity. Our state’s chapter was activated in June of 2021, then re-launched in October of 2023. Our purpose is to address the many challenges facing our schools, businesses, legislators, artists, and communities that threaten the civil liberties and dignified humanity that we all share.

Did You Know in Tennessee?

Accreditation agencies and university programs are pushing therapists to adopt divisive counseling practices and abandon individualized care.

Tennessee Attorney General Skrmetti has spoken before the U.S. Supreme court to protect minors from medicalized gender care.

The Arts are experiencing a Renaissance with artists moving in from out of state to embrace greater creative freedom.

TN FAIR Focus Areas

TN FAIR in Education
TN FAIR in Medicine

How You Can Help!

If you are located in Tennessee, sign up to become a member. The FAIR Tennessee Chapter is just getting off the ground. We’re planning virtual and in-person meetups, book clubs, discussions, and more.

We want to know more about you and what you want for Tennessee. 

Sign a Petition, Contact your Lawmakers, Volunteer, Donate, Get Involved!

Chapter Information

Press releases, chapter announcements, industry news, and articles written by chapter members.  
email: [email protected]

Our Challenges

Even as Tennessee has a tradition of fostering deep respect for civil liberties and protecting the sanctity of the family and individual personage, our state is not immune to the divisive and dehumanizing ideologies that are trending in other parts of the country. 

Ø  Several organizations, business and legislators here in Tennessee support policies that enable identity politics, race essentialism, censorship, surveillance, digital currency and tracking, and a disregard for biological sex. 

Ø  Some Tennessee schools, employers, universities, and even churches are training their staffs to adjust interactions based on group identities. 

Ø  Univerisities are changing psychology textbooks and accreditation requirements to shift the practice of counseling to assume privilege, race, and gender as focal points of therapy.

Our Goals

We hope to gather the many Tennesseans who believe in the principles of FAIR and want to help preserve a way of life that fosters equality for all and lifts up humanity to think, speak, and gather freely so that we can each be the best version of ourselves with respect and consideration for others.

Ø  Unite our state on a grass roots level in defending and advocating for all civil rights, including freedom of speech, freedom from discrimination and censorship, freedom to assemble, and the freedom to express ideas.

Ø  Strive for everyone to have equality of opportunity, not equity in outcome.

Ø  Uphold the principle that we are all to be judged by our character and not by our color, ethnicity, sex, religion, or disability.

Ø  Affirm individual sovereignty.

Chapter Leaders

Suzannah AlexanderChapter Leader, Eastern TN

Suzannah came to FAIR after facing a hostile environment in grad school due to the divisive curriculum in a TN university’s counseling master program. With FAIR, she is organizing for reform in mental health and education. She does investigative and humorous writing regarding these issues for her website, Diogenes In Exile.

Karen HowesChapter Leader, Mid-State

Karen came to Tennessee FAIR to find more accepting and open-minded policies in education and the arts. As a professional playwright, screenwriter, and college professor, as well as a mom who home schooled her 4 children and started a private school, Karen champions family rights, individual sovereignty, and civil liberties focusing on freedom of speech and expression.

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