FAIR Ontario is excited to host Canada’s most widely quoted authority on employment law and Governor General Award winner Howard Levitt. Howard will discuss how the Ontario Human Rights Code (“OHRC”) has been used as a ‘cone of silence’ by school boards to stifle fair and respectful debate about school board policies, actions and inactions.
Howard is the best known and most widely quoted authority on employment law in Canada. Howard writes a twice weekly employment law column in the Financial Post, has weekly radio appearances discussing employment law, and is the author of one of Canada’s leading dismissal textbooks, The Law of Dismissal in Canada. He is cited by the Canadian media more than any other lawyer in any field for his commentary on legal issues of the day.
Howard practices employment law and labour law in Toronto, the GTA and throughout Canada and has an extensive national profile.
He is a recipient of the Governor General’s Award for Community Service and Citizenship.
Bring your questions!
An EXCELLENT opportunity to learn about the correct application of the OHRC and Howard’s views on the culture wars mor generally.