Wednesday, November 20th · 5:00pm, MST
Open to all FAIR chapter members.Bill 29, the proposed Fairness and Safety in Sport Act would establish a balanced approach to protect the integrity of female athletic competitions by ensuring women and girls have the opportunity to compete in biological female-only divisions, while also ensuring transgender athletes are able to meaningfully participate in the sports of their choice.
With a PhD in Kinesiology, and a lengthy background in Athletics as an internationally-ranked athlete and coach, Dr Linda Blade has conducted research and sport-related seminars at the university level on four continents. Recently retired from being president of Athletics Alberta, Linda has a keen understanding of the current need for boundaries in athletic competition. Author of Unsporting: How Trans Activism And Science Denial Are Destroying Sport, Linda regularly discusses sex-based differences and their impacts on sports. Most recently, Linda launched the International Consortium on Female Sport, whose purpose is to serve as the key international lobby group to advocate for the preservation of the female sports category.
Jonathan Kay is Canadian Editor of Quillette, a TedX speaker, an op-ed writer at National Post, and co-host of the Quillette podcast. His prolific work has appeared in many news outlets and he has authored several books as well. His awards include Canada’s National Newspaper Award for Editorial Writing, Canada’s National Newspaper Award for Critical Writing, and Canada’s National Magazine Award. Jon has recently penned a piece for Quillette examining a controversy involving the Mountain West Conference women’s volleyball division.
This event was organized by the FAIR Alberta chapter. If you’re in Alberta and would like to join them, please reach out at [email protected].
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Wednesday, November 20th · 5:00pm Time zone: Mountain Video call link: |