FAIR Florida Mission and Vision
Floridians recognize that individual civil rights and liberties need protection against authoritarian forces, whether they come from government overreach, technological advances, or regressive and illiberal orthodoxies in professional, educational, artistic, and other settings.
In the statewide discussion on how to protect those rights and liberties, FAIR Florida strives to become a rational and compassionate voice by providing solutions rooted in fairness, understanding, and shared humanity. We bring together, empower, and support Floridians who are champions for individual civil rights and liberties, equality, and one human race.
What do we do?
- Build awareness of the existing state and local laws that protect individual civil rights and liberties
- Provide a forum for open and civil discussion in pursuit of objective truth and effective policies and programs
- Build a community of people who share our values and represent unique perspectives
- Give a voice, platform, and resources to compassionate and courageous individuals who want to reaffirm and advance the core principles of the Civil Rights Movement
- Actively advocate on behalf of individuals whose rights have been violated by employers, schools, or others
What do we stand for?
- Treating everyone as an individual with a unique identity
- A united, fair, and tolerant society
- Diversity of viewpoints and a healthy debate
- Objective truth and scientific inquiry
- Free and independent media and content creators
What do we value?
- Freedom of speech and expression
- Equal treatment and protection under the law
- Freedom of religion
- Parental rights
- Women’s rights
If you are located in the area, sign up to become a member. The FAIR Florida Chapter is just getting off the ground. We’re planning virtual and in-person meetups, book clubs, discussions, and more.
Chapter Meetings
FAIR Florida Member Meetings
First Wednesday of the month, 7:00 pm — 8:30 pm.
Join us on Zoom at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82424815899. Meeting ID: 824 2481 5899.
Help us shape the FAIR Florida Chapter
Complete a short survey at https://s.surveyplanet.com/3g03jf2x